10 Ridiculously Pointless Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters

1. Fandral (Thor)

Pointless Because: Who? Can anyone remember him? Beyond Thor's Asgardian compatriots Sif (the hot one) and Volstagg (the big, beardy one), Hogun and he just fade into the periphery. Re-casting didn't help in this case, with Joshua Dallas playing Fandral in the first Thor, and Zachary Levi taking the reins for The Dark World. Most viewers I expect just assumed it was a new character, because can anyone outside the realm of comic book fandom even remember his name, let alone what he looks like? I'm pretty sure most non-comic readers just called him Chuck. How To Fix It: This one's easy, just give him some damn lines worth remembering. I couldn't recite to you one syllable that came out of this guy's mouth in either Thor film. Was I on the money, or do you love these characters a little more than me? Are there any supreme wastes of space I forgot about? Let's argue in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.