10 Ridiculously Pointless Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters

9. Darcy (Thor)

Pointless Because: As appealing as Kat Dennings might otherwise be, she's woefully irritating as the ditzy comedy nerd sidekick Darcy Lewis, having appeared in both Thor films to date with a glass-shatteringly shrieky voice and geeky personality that is nothing if not blatant fanboy pandering. The problem isn't just that she spends most her time cluelessly running around like a headless chicken, but that she's clearly cynical bait for the hormonal teenage boys who watch these films. And we can't forget about "mieu mieu" either. How To Fix It: Actually give her a brain and actively involve her in the story, or better yet, given that she's an original creation for the films and not a comic book character, get rid of her altogether. The Thor films have plenty of comic relief as it is.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.