10 Ripped Off Characters Movies Didn't Even Try To Hide

7. Hobgoblins Ripped Off Gremlins

Freddy Kruger Wishmaster

Okay, so we really had our pick of the ugly, ugly litter for this entry, but Hobgoblins stood out as the worst of a bad batch.

When Joe Dante’s horror-comedy classic Gremlins hit cinemas in 1984 it was bound to produce an endless stream of imitators, given how irresistibly simple the concept of pint-sized terrors invading small town Americana was. And indeed it did, with everything from Critters to Ghoulies to even whatever the Hell Munchies are soon flooding the multiplexes in the following years.

However, the single most shameless rip off came in the form of 1989’s Hobgoblins. The titular threats not only resembled Gremlins, but also made their victims fantasies into reality not unlike the aforementioned wish-granting Munchies.

You know things aren’t ideal when you’re reduced to ripping off “Munchies”.

And far from ideal the film turned out to be, with director Rick Sloane’s efforts going on to be judged one of the worst movies ever made—but, also fodder for one of Mystery Science Theatre 3000’s most beloved episodes.

Swings and roundabouts! Sometimes wishes come true in ways we never expect, just like in the classic Gremlins rip off, Munchies.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.