10 Risky Movie Moments That Totally Failed

1. The Colon Shot - Cherry

Army of the Dead Netflix Mistake
Apple TV+

Creative camerawork can absolutely help elevate a movie, but the Russo brothers' Cherry is also proof perfect that uniqueness isn't always a good thing.

During an early scene where protagonist Cherry (Tom Holland) is shown enlisting in the Army, he undergoes a medical exam, and when the doctor shines a torch up his back-passage, we're "treated" to a POV shot inside his colon, because why the hell not?

There are certainly movies where a shot like this would absolutely work - a gross-out comedy, for instance - but in Cherry it really just exemplifies how poor a handle the Russos had on the story's overall tone.

This crime drama about a PTSD-afflicted, drug-addicted, bank-robbing war veteran has many moments of jarringly cartoonish, wacky humour like this, and almost none of them land at all.

On the other hand, Cherry's butthole POV shot was quickly memed to death and is basically the only thing anyone actually remembers about the movie these days.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.