10 Risky Movie Moments That Totally Failed

7. All The Dutch Angles - Battlefield Earth

Army of the Dead Netflix Mistake
Warner Bros.

Granted, making a sci-fi movie that's thinly-veiled Scientology propaganda is a pretty big risk in of itself, and one that unsurprisingly tanked critically and commercially.

But the Razzie-winning Battlefield Earth didn't even deliver basic competence in the cinematography department either, as director Roger Christian ill-advisedly insisted that almost every shot in the film be set at a Dutch angle.

A Dutch angle is when the camera is canted to the side, and while it can certainly be used effectively to convey a sense of unease, it's generally deployed sparingly by filmmakers given that its overuse can make a scene look silly.

But in an apparent attempt to replicate the aesthetic of a comic book, Christian made sure almost every shot in Battlefield Earth was dutched. 

It's ultimately just another reason to ridicule an already-terrible movie, but even if Battlefield Earth were somehow good, the perma-Dutch style would be a massive, distracting mark against it, making it difficult to take it even remotely seriously.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.