10 Risky Movie Moments That Totally Failed

5. No Dialogue - Silent Night

Army of the Dead Netflix Mistake

John Woo's recently released action thriller Silent Night stars Joel Kinnaman as Brian Godlock, a man seeking revenge for his son's murder in a drive-by-shooting - an incident which also saw Godlock himself shot in the throat, causing him to lose his voice.

And so, Godlock is a silent protagonist - an intriguing idea and sure acting challenge for Kinnaman, forcing him to emote and convey the story largely through his facial expressions and body language.

Except, Woo made the bizarre decision to have almost the entire movie be bereft of dialogue - even when Brian is in rooms with other characters, namely his wife, there's an awkward lack of dialogue which doesn't really make much sense at all.

After all, characters should still speak to Brian even if he can't talk back, but Woo ultimately over-committed to the silence gimmick enough that it became a silly distraction.

Granted, the movie has numerous other issues - namely an undercooked narrative and mostly mediocre action sequences - but it's the oppressive omission of almost all dialogue that totally dooms it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.