10 Roles Written For Actors That Didn't Play Them

6. Jack Frost Should Have Been Played By George Clooney

Jake Gyllenhaal The Hangover
Warner Bros. Pictures

Just to be clear, no, we're not here to talk about the movie where the serial-killing snowman rapes Shannon Elizabeth to death. We promise, however, that will come up in the future.

We are addressing an equally embarrassing, creepy film, one with its heart in the right place but its method completely out-of-whack. The aptly named Jack Frost (Michael Keaton) is the frontman if a rock band, trying to manage his time between playing local pubs and his wife and son, Charlie. One year, however, he neglects his obligations to make a recording session, only to die in a fatal car accident.

One year later, he returns as a sentient snowman. Rather than run in fear, Charlie finally bonds with his father over the winter, both knowing time is limited when the snow starts to melt away. It was the feel-good Christmas movie of the year, with creature design by Jim Henson Studios - but only after a really bad acid trip.

Keaton's career had hit a low point he's from which he's only recently recovered, and even at the time he wasn't the first choice. The studio aimed higher.

George Clooney was two years away from wrapping up his tenure on E.R., and he'd already made buzz in Hollywood with blockbuster action films such as The Peacemaker. Alas, even he knew the script was toxic.

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The Hangover
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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.