10 Romantic Gestures In Non-Romantic Films

5. True Romance (1993)

true romance image In the late Tony Scott's finest work, True Romance covers the relationship of young Elvis-enthusiast Clarence and his burgeoning love with a girl named Alabama. The two fall in love, get married, score some drugs and try to sell it without getting themselves killed. True Romance, one of the first scripts written by a novice Quentin Tarantino, is greatly inspired by the aforementioned Badlands, down to the southern accent of its female protagonist and the xylophone-driven soundtrack. But instead of Alabama's father being killed, it's her pimp Drexl. Drexl, played by an outlandish Gary Oldman, is brash and flamboyant and sports dreads and shiny teeth. When Clarence tries to get Alabama out of her situation with Drexl, he doesn't take too well to it. A couple gunshots later and it sure ain't white-boy day for Drexl. Upon hearing the news of Drexl's killing, Alabama screams. While initially angered at this reaction, Clarence is pleased to hear it be followed up with her telling him his actions were "so romantic."
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.