10 Rubbish Movies Directed By Great Actors

6. Duplex (Danny DeVito)

Danny DeVito is another great actor who has proved himself more than capable of directing. Matilda, which he directed and starred in, will forever be remembered as one of the finest achievements of his career. Hoffa and The War Of The Roses earned a fair amount of praise from the critics, too. However, his most recent attempt at directing fell utterly flat. In 2003, the Batman Returns and One Flew Over The Cuckoo€™s Nest star helmed the killer couple comedy Duplex, with utterly naff results. The film €“ which centred on a young twosome attempting to kill an old lady and take her apartment €“ was slammed as mean-spirited and unfunny. Despite an enviable central duo in the shape of Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore, DeVito€™s proven directorial flair couldn€™t save this one. Some blame has to go to Larry Doyle, though, who penned a script for the film that neglected to include any funny moments. Since Duplex, DeVito hasn€™t directed another feature. That€™s set to change, though, as he€™s signed up to helm an apocalyptic city-under-siege movie called St Sebastian. Hopefully, that one will come out closer to the calibre of his earlier features and nothing like Duplex.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.