10 Sad Facts About Star Wars You Just Need To Accept

5. Jar-Jar Happened (And Can't Be Undone)

As much as you may try to forget, Jar-Jar Binks has been committed to immortality and, like it or not, he is now a part of American culture. Jar-Jar is everything wrong with the Star Wars prequels (and subsequently the world) boiled down into a single semi-racist stereotype. Mee-sa so sad to see mee-sa childhood murdered by fat, greedy white people Ani! Jar-Jar and his people are of course Episode I's terrible answer to the Ewoks, fair enough. But to quote super-fan Simon Pegg, that doesn't hide that it's just a "jumped up, firework display of a toy advert." https://youtu.be/hUkCJDkG3fg

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.