10 Scandals That Cursed The Cast Of Harry Potter

2. Harry Potter And The Case Of The Violent Brother

Goblin Perv
Warner Bros.

English actress Afshan Azad, who most notably played Ron's date to the Yule Ball as witch Padma Patil was the victim of a verbal and physical assault from her own brother and father after they discovered she was involved in a relationship with a non-Muslim.

Azad was called a 'slag' and a 'prostitute' once it was discovered she was meeting a Hindu man. After being confronted, she was strangled by her brother, repeatedly punched and dragged by her hair whilst told to 'marry a Muslim or you die!'.

After threats by her father to send her back to Bangladesh for an arranged marriage, the frightened actress fled through her bedroom window. Both men were charged with making threats to kill her and her brother was also charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm on his sister.

Instead of both going on trial, the prosecution decided to accept a guilty plea of assault by her brother, and both men were formally found not guilty of making threats to kill.

During the court case in January 2011, Azad asked the judge not to send her brother to prison, but Judge Roger Thomas QC said there were no good or proper reasons to suspend his sentence of six months and he was jailed.

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