10 Scariest Cursed Items In Horror Movie History

5. Room 1408 - 1408

oculous movie
Dimension Films

As far as items go, room 1408 is a big one. An entire hotel room in fact, on the 13th floor, who's internal numbers add up to 13, and is therefore the most cursed and evil room ever to exist.

When professional skeptic Mike Enslin decides to test just how spooky 1408 can get, he obviously gets more than his money's worth: meeting ghostly victims of the room as well as facing up against the traumas of his own past.

If the room isn't attacking him with zombie corpses, trying to drown him in an ocean sprung from a painting, or offering him up his own noose - it's supernaturally letting him think he's escaped before pulling him right back into its dated decor once more. Take the cognac and go if you're ever in this situation, dear reader, the credit card charges for flooding your room with a literal sea aren't worth it.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.