10 Scariest Final Shots In Horror Movie History
6. Inside
Not only is Inside one of the bloodiest horror movies ever made, it's also one of the best. About a pregnant woman who's tormented by another woman who's broken into her house with the intention of kidnapping her baby before it's even born, the French flick is unrelenting from beginning to end.
In the finale though, the home invader, now horribly disfigured after being set on fire, actually achieves her goal of stealing the baby. Performing an impromptu caesarian with a pair of scissors, she cuts open her victim's stomach and pulls out the child, leaving the mother to die on the stairs.
That's horrible enough, but if the closing acts of violence didn't leave a lasting impression, then the final shot certainly will, depicting the tormenter holding the newborn baby in a rocking chair, washed in a red glow as the camera just... lingers.
To call it unsettling would be an understatement, and the surreal final image acts as a suitable bookend to the hell that both the characters - and the viewer - have just been put through.