10 Scariest Horror Movie Opening Credits

2. Seven

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Opening Credits
New Line Cinema

Seven puts on a masterclass when it comes to the opening credits, a patchwork yet intricate nightmare that perfectly foreshadows the torment to come. Designed by Kyle Cooper, the opening titles for Seven positions disturbing imagery next to a gloriously creepy remix of Nine Inch Nails' "Closer", the industrial tones complementing the sinister, frayed nature of what we later discover is essentially John Doe's preparation montage.

Cooper packs a tremendous amount of disturbing imagery into Seven's opening titles, whether it's Doe peeling the skin off his fingertips or photography of invasive medical procedures. Layered with the remix of "Closer" and the scrawly nature of the typography, Seven immediately imparts a sense of dread to the proceedings - sinister forces working in the dark, committed fully to something disturbing.

The opening titles get even creepier after the first watch as well, their abstract creepiness recontextualised by John Doe's actions later in the film. There are two snippets in Cooper's sequence where we can see Doe studying passages on pregnancy, a dark moment of foreshadowing that signifies his interest in Gwyneth Paltrow's Tracy.

Terrifying from the off, Seven's opening credits take on a whole new layer of terror when revisited.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.