10 Scariest Horror Movies Set During World War II

2. Below

Overlord Zombie
Miramax Films

We embark on the watery seas yet again, but this time let's submerge ourselves a little more. Co-written by the one and only Darren Aronofsky, Below focuses on an American submarine that picks up three survivors of a sunken British ship. Soon after, strange occurrences and accidents start appearing, as a sinister plot slowly boils to the surface.

And I do mean slooooowly. Despite one brief submarine battle, most of the film takes its time in revealing the supernatural goings-on aboard the sub. Fortunately, this builds towards some extremely atmospheric and downright creepy hauntings of ghostly apparitions and mirror antics.

The unnerving terror of supernatural forces is accompanied by an absorbing look into the captain's mysterious death and the circumstances leading to the survivors' ship sinking. The setting of the submarine is also well-used for some pretty creative predicaments, as well as untimely, watery demises.

If you're looking for a claustrophobic horror-cum-psychological thriller beneath the waves, then Below's your perfect candidate.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.