10 Scariest Shark Movies!

1. Jaws

Shark Night
Universal Pictures

To be honest, Jaws could get the top spot on this list solely for the jump scare reveal of poor Ben Gardner's decaying head floating out of a sunken ship's hull.

Of course, Steven Spielberg's 1975 movie has a whole lot more terror and suspense laced through it than just that shocking discovery of Gardner's corpse, with the film not only being the benchmark for all shark features but also being the movie responsible for launching the craze of the Hollywood summer blockbuster.

As the first to ever truly do it, Jaws is on a level all of its own when it comes to just how damn scary the film is upon a first watch. It's no coincidence to this day that so many people have an irrational fear of the water, and that all stems from the utter dread drummed up by Spielberg forty-five years ago.

In addition to the Ben Gardner scene, there's the brutal and bloody death of young Alex Kintner, there's the opening act devouring of Chrissie Watkins, there's the gnarly demise of an unnamed boater, and there's the gore-addled offing of Quint - and even in scenes not involving a death, Jaws still manages to have you on the edge of your seat on so many occassions.

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