10 Sci-Fi Horror Movies That Broke All The Rules

8. Apollo 18

Pandorum Ben Watson
Dimension Films

Listen, just because the films on this list rewrote the rule book doesn't mean they're all perfect.

Case in point, Apollo 18 was a 2011 effort which brought the found footage format into space for the first time, taking the exploitable "a handful of camcorder wielding protagonists accidentally document their eventual doom" format from the likes of The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity and fusing it with Alien's space-based isolated monster horror antics.

The film, which follows the titular fictional mission to the moon, see its stars uncover some crab alien monsters and get offed one-by-one in standard found footage fashion, but as unremarkable a flick as this one may be it still marked the first big budget major studio fusion of found footage horror and space set sci fi.


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