10 Sci-Fi Movie Concepts That Shouldn't Work But Do

8. Donnie Darko

being john malkovich
Pandora Cinema/Newmarket Films

Admit it: if someone came to you and pitched a film revolving around a man in a bunny suit predicting the end of the world, you’d probably think they were on something.

Whilst most people have heard of Donnie Darko, few who haven’t seen it actually understand what it’s about. In fairness, some people that have seen it still don’t know.

In a nutshell: a teenager is visited by a man in a gross rabbit costume and told that the world will end in 28 days. After this, he has visions of the future, hallucinations and all kinds of weird experiences.

And a jet crashes into his house. Twice. What are the chances?

With such a loose plot and strange concept, it is not unreasonable to assume this film wouldn’t be a hit. It was opened on limited release, and after that it took a year to get it to international screens - six months of which was spent begging theatres to screen it at all.

Somehow though it became an unexplained success, and since its initial release has earned a director’s cut release, a two-disk special edition and even its very own underwhelming sequel in 2009.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.