10 Sci-Fi Movie Flops That Were Actually Great

9. Pandorum (2009)

Event Horizon
Icon Productions

The production company that made this sci-fi horror outing were financially ruined just by making the film and sadly had no funds left over to market it. Pandorum went unnoticed and unappreciated recouping only a third of the budget.

It has slowly built a cult-following by way of streaming services but the key word there is ‘slowly’.

Pandorum maintains mystery throughout and showcases some incredible set-design. Ben Foster proves once again that he is a criminally underrated actor and gives a fantastic performance. The psychological elements of this film help to separate it from other sci-fi horror pictures.

Apart from an obviously shoe-horned-in fight sequence with an MMA-fighter-turned-actor, Pandorum is gripping and well realized.

Budget: $33,000,000 estimated

Gross: $10,330,853


Aspiring writer and filmmaker. Love stories about redemption and creature features.