10 Sci-Fi Movie Ideas Too Good To Fail (That Did It Anyway)
5. Pixels - Arcade Games Come To Life! (But They're Fought By Late-career Adam Sandler)
Based on an ingenious short film of the same name from 2010, Chris Columbus’ mega-budget comedy adventure Pixels saw the director envision a world wherein reality is overrun by classic arcade game heroes and villains, with the denizens of Pac Man, Space Invaders, and Donkey Kong causing havoc as they flood the streets of San Francisco.
Now there are good ideas, there are great ideas, and then there are “colourful and action-packed eighties nostalgia brought to you by the maker of the first two Harry Potter films and writer of Gremlins”-great ideas. So what could possibly go wrong?
Two words: Adam Sandler.
Pixels was a late-career starring role for the once-hilarious Billy Madison actor, and a decade and half post the release of The Waterboy, Sandler’s most recent films were closer to the likes of Grown Ups 2 and Jack and Jill by the time he signed on for Pixels. With Sandler came the actor’s poorly-aged brand of tasteless jokes, dragging the flick down and leaving any chance of a fun summer blockbuster in the dust. Sandler may have since redeemed himself via Uncut Gems, but it’s too late for this turkey and its stellar, wasted premise.