10 Sci-Fi Movie Plot Holes Hollywood Thought You Wouldn't Notice

2. Why Do NASA Teach Drillers To Be Astronauts & Not The Other Way Around? - Armageddon (1998)

url-28 Michael Bay's explosive movie about a team of drillers sent into space to plant a bomb on an asteroid (seriously) is one that generally polarizes opinion, though it can be a relatively enjoyable popcorn flick if you know how to turn off your brain and forget about logic for a couple of hours. And though Armageddon's central premise is kind of easy to overlook in spite of its relative wackiness, there's one question that needs to be answered: why didn't NASA just train astronauts to use drills instead of the other way around? A quick Google search tells me that it takes, on average, a couple of years to do the jobs that Bruce Willis and friends do. Granted, you probably can't put an exact year on that kind of "intimate knowledge," but that sounds about right, don't you think? On the other hand, it takes around 8 years to learn the ins and outs of becoming an astronaut - not to mention the fact that you need a degree, too, which takes a further 3 or 4 years of study. Weighing up those options, it seems like the nerds at NASA aren't all that bright, after all. Though a movie about astronauts learning to use drills for two hours isn't exactly the stuff that cinema is made of, is it?
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All-round pop culture obsessive.