10 Sci-Fi Movie Plot Holes Hollywood Thought You Wouldn't Notice

8. How Did The T-Rex Kill The Crew On The Boat? - The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

url-27 Steven Spielberg's relatively mediocre follow-up to blockbuster sensation Jurassic Park didn't garner the same kind of accolades as its predecessor, though it did fulfill about a zillion people's childhood fantasies in having a dinosaur stalk the mainland, even if it was just for a few scenes. To get the T-Rex to the mainland, though, (where it proceeds to, among other things, eat a dog), Spielberg has the giant lizard shipped King Kong-style aboard a ship. From there, it escapes, and the rampage begins. In the process of escaping, we see that the angry 'saur manages to kill the crew. Fine. But when our film's heroes arrive, we see that the T-Rex has also managed to get into the ship's control room and eat the crew in there, too? We know this because there are body parts scattered about, but how did the enormous creature manage to get inside? There's no way it could have squeezed through any of the relatively small doorways. The answer, apparently, is that there were supposed to be a few scenes involving velociraptors, though they were never filmed. But in the context of the film, no such thing exists, likening this little ditty to a similar one in the original Jurassic Park, which sees the T-Rex inside the Visitor's Centre, having somehow squeezed through another tiny doorway.
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