10 Sci-Fi Movie Reveals Nobody Was Ready For

1. That's No UFO... (Nope)

The Invisible Man

Heading into a Jordan Peele slice of sci-fi horror without assuming a few brilliant swerves were coming your way would be rather foolish.

But that being said, based on the film's marketing and trailers, it felt pretty safe to believe that some sort of alien spacecraft was at the centre of the chilling drama and unexpected comedy that was set to fall out of last year's Nope.

Rather than saving the surprising twist until the closing stages of his daylight dose of terror, though, Peele instead opted to drop the game-changing bombshell partway through the action, with it being made known that this actually wasn't an extra terrestrial flying saucer at all; it was actually a full-blown alien creature.

And far from abducting humans and other beings, this super predator the Haywood siblings have been surveying has actually been sucking up living beings and chowing down on their flesh.

Brilliantly putting a new spin on the "threat from above" story in a way only Peele can, an already unsettling scenario is dialled up a few more horrifying notches with one of the most chilling and inspired sci-fi reveals of recent times.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...