10 Sci-Fi Movie Villains Who Actually Won

4. Megamind - Megamind

The Box Frank Langella

A bit of a cheeky example perhaps, but DreamWorks' criminally underappreciated animated superhero film Megamind revolves around the titular supervillain (Will Ferrell), who after finally defeating his former nemesis Metro Man (Brad Pitt) takes control of Metro City unchallenged.

But without any heroes around to push back against him, Megamind soon enough grows bored and so creates a new superhero nemesis, Tighten (Jonah Hill), to put up a fight.

However, it turns out that Tighten has little interest in heroism and, worse still, is an even more outrageous villain than Megamind himself. In his quest for a yin to his yang, he went too far.

And so, a fight ensues with Megamind eventually prevailing, causing Metro City to hail him as their new hero. But really, Megamind is an anti-hero (or anti... villain?) at best: a card-carrying Bad Guy who - evil sidekick and all - encountered a threat far beyond the city's control and took care of it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.