10 Sci-Fi Movie Villains Who Encountered Something Worse

1. Sarris' Army - Galaxy Quest

Prometheus Engineer

Galaxy Quest may not be a movie that anyone's supposed to take seriously, but that doesn't mean its army of villainous goons didn't end up face-to-face with something abominable they never could've expected.

In the climax, the army of alien warlord Sarris (Robin Sachs) get a grim surprise when Fred (Tony Shalhoub) manages to teleport the gigantic rock monster which previously fought Jason (Tim Allen) onto their starship. And so, a room full of the alien mooks are helpless to do anything but watch in stupefied awe as a gigantic rock creature suddenly spawns in the middle of them onboard the vessel.

The monster promptly beats the snot out of the assembled soldiers, before smashing a hole in the side of the ship, sending itself and all the remaining aliens flying into space.

Unlike Sarris' doomed goons, though, the typically irate rock monster seems weirdly contented as it hurtles through the apparently calming vacuum of space.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.