10 Sci-Fi Movies That Confused Everyone

8. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Possession 1981

2001 is one of the greatest films ever made and people still cannot figure out just what the epic space story means.

The film follows astronauts on the trail of a radio signal being sent to Jupiter by a 'monolith', large black rectangles that seemingly serve no purpose outside of these transmissions, but are undeniably alluring.

After a lot of trouble, our hero Bowman discovers the third monolith of the movie at the climax of the film. He is pulled into a vortex of light before the audience is assaulted by a montage of bright flashing colors and strange landscapes. Out of nowhere, he then finds himself standing in a neoclassical bedroom rapidly ageing.

Suddenly he's a dying elderly man with a monolith looming at the foot of the bed he's lying in. As he reaches toward it he's suddenly a tiny fetus encased in an orb of light. The fetus then appears floating beside the Earth and the film cuts to the credits.

Even for a film as vague and open to interpretation as this one, it leaves you scratching your head wondering what the hell you just witnessed.

Luckily the novel the film is based on states flatly the monolith is a tool created by a race of advanced Aliens that assists species in advancing in their evolution, but the ending is still as bizarre and captivating as the film.

Anyone who says they understood this the first time watching is a liar.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.