10 Sci-Fi Movies That Pissed Audiences Off In The Final Scene

7. Passengers

Lucy Scarlett Johansson
Sony Pictures Releasing

Passengers is a film that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way from the jump, given that it revolves around a colonist, Jim Preston (Chris Pratt), who is accidentally woken from stasis 90 years early and, in order to stave off crushing loneliness, wakes up a sexy fellow colonist, Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawerence).

For many, the problem wasn't Jim's desperate act but how the film frames it, using it as the launching pad for a star-crossed romance that, ultimately, downplays the horrifying nature of what he did.

And this is never more palpably felt than during the epilogue, where Jim figures out a way for Aurora to go back into stasis, but she ultimately decides to stay with him to live out their lives onboard the ship.

In the final scene, set 80 years later, the ship's crew awakens as they arrive at their destination, while a voiceover from Aurora - who is presumably now dead - recounts the full life she and Jim lived together.

Ultimately it just felt like too much a hand-wave of the fact that Aurora was woken up without her consent and then, depending on your interpretation, potentially gaslit into falling in love with Jim.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.