10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Nobody Dies

8. The Vast Of Night

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Francois Truffaut

In the middle of the dumpster fire that was the year 2020, Amazon Prime premiered a brand new, critically acclaimed sci-fi mystery film, that has, for the most part, gone completely under the radar. And that is a crying shame.

Heavily inspired by and paying homage to classic sci-fi TV shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, The Vast Of Night is set in 1950s New Mexico and follows two teenagers who begin to suspect that there might be something hidden in the night sky above them.

The debut film from writer/director Andrew Patterson, The Vast Of Night is an absolute triumph from start to finish. Despite its miniscule $700,000 budget, the film looks immaculate, with brilliant long takes and tracking shots that would impress the likes of Roger Deakins, and enough creepy imagery and dialogue to spook even the most hardcore of horror fans.

Where the film really excels though, is through its largely unknown cast, with the two young leads, Sierra McCormick and Jake Horowitz, giving awards-worthy performances.

Now there is a point of contention here, as there is a possibility that some characters do indeed bite the bullet. We hear a tale of an abducted child and the movie ends with our main characters disappearing after finally sighting a U.F.O., with their fates left ambiguous. But since we don’t see anyone actually die, we can’t disqualify it from this list. And this is partly why The Vast Of Night is so special. Unlike other films of its genre and budget, it doesn’t rely on cheap scares and gory deaths to entertain viewers, just a slow, suspenseful, spine-tickling mystery that will leave audiences glued to the screen.


22-year-old journalism graduate from Croydon. When I'm not moaning about or singing the praises of Doctor Who or a great film or two, I'm (unsuccessfully) looking for a job or setting up a podcast. Again usually unsuccessfully.