10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

9. Pikachu Is The Papi - Detective Pikachu

Charlize Theron Hancock

Warner Bros.'s Pokémon-infused noir by the name of Detective Pikachu came equipped with its fair share of side-splitting exchanges, enjoyable performances, and a fairly decent depiction of what a live-action world stuffed with the iconic critters would feel like.

However, what it also unfortunately boasts is a few plot twists that don't exactly leave fans with their jaws dangling off the floor. Instead the confirmation that Pokémon can actually be fused with their masters paves the way for some of the most ridiculous beats of the adventure.

Hot on the heels of Bill Nighy's Howard Clifford revealing that he'd been the mind behind the creation of the "R" gas that sent Pokémon feral, this being the state that allows for Mewtwo to fuse humans and their Poké-pals together sets the stage for a surreal sequence involving the secret villain slipping into that all-powerful Pokémon's body.

And if that wasn't enough, the eventual besting of Clifford soon opens the door for the reveal that Mewtwo actually helped save the life of the paps of our leading light Tim by transferring his soul into the bright yellow sidekick who had been by his side throughout the investigation.

Simply put, Ryan Reynolds was actually Tim's father Harry, trapped inside a Pikachu, all along.

But the film doesn't really specify how Mewtwo was able to keep him from dying after a car crash. And it also makes the fact that Tim didn't recognise his own father's voice within the adorable Pokémon detective for an entire movie a little, well, odd.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...