10 Sci-Fi Movies With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Plot Twists

6. You're A Palpatine, Rey - Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

Charlize Theron Hancock

When it comes to the all-round lacklustre finale to the Skywalker Saga that was The Rise of Skywalker, you can really take your pick in terms of absolutely ludicrous plot twists that the Force most definitely wasn't strong with.

But bizarre last-minute romances, unnecessary returns, and strange resurrections all paled in comparison to the biggest and baddest swerve of the lot; that being the Sequel Trilogy's leading protagonist was far from a "nobody" after all... she was Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter!

Yep, instead of just committing to the development a film earlier of just about any Force-sensitive nobody being able to make an impact on this inter-galactic battle between good and evil, J.J. Abrams decided to foolishly deliver on a fan theory that had long-since been abandoned due to it quite rightly seeming too dumb to be true.

Oh, how wrong those folks were, eh?

This blatant attempt to stun the audience managed to successfully shrink the galaxy far, far away even more than it already had been throughout the Sequels. And it also proved once again that the hit-and-miss Disney Star Wars trilogy appeared to be bafflingly making it up as it went along.

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