10 Scrapped DCEU Scenes We Desperately Wanted To See

1. Superman Hears Metropolis' Pain - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman v Superman Henry Cavill.jpg
Warner Bros.

One of the many narrative issues in Batman v Superman is the Man of Steel's inability to hear Martha Kent's (Diane Lane) cries for help with his super-powered hearing, and when an interviewer mentioned this to Zack Snyder, he went into extensive detail about a deleted scene relating to Superman's aural abilities.

Snyder explained that there was a cut sequence where Superman tries to locate his kidnapped Earth mother, but as he attempts to zero in on her voice, he can hear anguished screams from all of the crimes taking place across Metropolis at the same time.

Snyder ended up cutting it for being too dark, given that it would imply Superman effectively picks and chooses his rescue targets and leaves plenty of victims to their own fates.

It's a practical reality of the character if he lived in the real world, for sure, but not one most fans want to be reminded of.

Still, it would've been fascinating to see Superman in anguish over this, even if many may have found it too dour.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.