10 Scrapped DCEU Scenes We Desperately Wanted To See

9. Shark Guard Feeding Frenzy - Aquaman

Aquaman Sharks
Warner Bros.

Aquaman may be far from a great movie, but director James Wan at least proved unafraid to lean into the abject weirdness of the titular character and his underwater world.

However, there was one sequence in the script which was ultimately vetoed by Wan on the grounds of being "a bit weird," and it was to take place once Arthur (Jason Momoa) was captured by his half-brother Orm aka Ocean Master (Patrick Wilson).

In the final movie we see Arthur chained up in front of Orm, but originally he was to be thrown into a dungeon deep in Atlantis, where all of the guards were sharks.

In order to escape, Arthur would provoke a prison riot, killing one of the guards and causing the other sharks to start a feeding frenzy over its bloody remains.

Wan's reaction was, "I don’t know if I can do that," and sadly the scene was ultimately nixed before filming began.

Granted, it would've probably been pushing the bounds of the PG-13 rating, and Aquaman's a long enough movie as it is, but this sequence sounds decidedly more interesting and ambitious than the reams of expository guff audiences were forced to sit through in the final cut.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.