10 Screen Villains Who Succeeded, With Genuinely Terrible Consequences

7. Damien Thorne in The Omen

It€™s hard not to follow sorry for little Damien Thorne, who spends the first Omen movie as an inoffensively adorable child who happens to be the prophesised Antichrist. He gives off no obvious signs of evil, other than the crazed animals and shocking violence that seem to be triggered by his mere presence. In fact, the occult hokum presented as the truth about his origins is so far-out that there are moments where it seems half plausible that this is all some insane plot to persecute a blameless infant, orchestrated by an international conspiracy of religious kooks and vindictive baboons. The very idea that it might be necessary to murder Damian because of crimes he is supposedly destined to commit as an adult is actually one of the most chilling ideas in the film, equally if not more horrifying than the Satanic imagery and the spectacular deaths. His adoptive father is mentally ravaged by the requirement to butcher Damian, dying in the process. But the reveal of Damien€™s survival in the final reel, smirking at the camera during his own father€™s funeral, exposes the grim truth that a family has been destroyed for no reason, and that this hapless cherub really will grow up to be a supernatural tyrant out to end the world.
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Peter Shelton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.