10 Secret Subplots Hidden In Movies

7. There's An Alien Invasion Taking Place - Searching

The Truman Show Jim Carrey
Sony Pictures Releasing

2018's tech-thriller Searching follows David Kim (John Cho) as he becomes a cyber-detective in order to find his missing daughter Margot (Michelle La), but there's actually a whole other more significant story going on in the film's background.

With the entirety of Searching taking place on computer and phone screens, director Aneesh Chaganty was able to hide a mind-boggling number of Easter eggs in plain sight, which largely involved suggesting an alien invasion was taking place throughout the movie.

In almost every single scene, there's at least some sort of reference to aliens descending upon Earth, whether through YouTube pages, user comments, news articles, or social media posts.

Though the film's producer and co-writer Sev Ohanian later confirmed that it started out as a bit of a joke, an enormous amount of planning ultimately went into writing a Hollywood-style alien invasion plot to be interspersed throughout the film.

Neither Ohanian nor Chaganty, however, expected audiences to pick up on it quite so fast, as within mere days of the movie's release, it had been discovered by attentive viewers. Incredible on all fronts.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.