10 Secrets Behind Alien's Nostromo Ship You Didn't Know

1. It Was Produced By Lockheed Martin & Rolls Royce

Alien Nostromo

Amusingly, despite being set 100 years into the future in a world with little in the way of recognisable iconography, the Nostromo's design blueprints confirm that it was designed by real-life American aerospace company Lockheed Martin - or, as they were known in 1979, the Lockheed Corporation.

The Nostromo's manufacturing designation is a "Lockheed CM 88B Bison," though when the ship was refitted to become a cargo hauler, its original Saturn J-3000 engines were replaced with two decidedly more powerful N66 Cyclone Thrust engines from one of the world's biggest aerospace manufacturers - Rolls Royce.

As much as the world of the Alien franchise seems so far divorced from our own, it's amusing - or disturbing, some might say - that the same old conglomerates are still flourishing a century from now.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.