10 Sequels That Contradicted The Previous Movie's Message

1. Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

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The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is a warning on how a lack of planning can lead to three films contradicting one another. This is best seen in the last two entries, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.

In the former, one of the mysteries it resolves is regarding Rey's parentage. The previous film set up that she came from a special lineage, yet the Rian Johnson-directed sequel wipes that out. Instead, Rey is a nobody whose parents sold her for drinking money. And while it did leave a lot of fans disappointed, it told the nice message that anybody can be a Jedi; a point emphasized by the end when the broom boy from Canto Bight is revealed to be Force-sensitive.

But once JJ Abrams returned to finish the trilogy, Rey is now the heir of the Emperor himself.

In an infamous twist, our heroine is revealed to be the granddaughter of Sheev Palpatine. All of a sudden, she is powerful and great because she comes from the legendary Sith Lord. Compared to the previous film, The Rise of Skywalker tells audiences that yes, the only important people in the Star Wars universe are the ones that come from lineages.

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