10 Sequels That Contradicted The Previous Movie's Message

8. Ralph Breaks The Internet

Rambo First Blood Rambo First Blood Part II Sylvester Stallone

Wreck-It-Ralph told the story of Ralph who was sick and tired of being the villain in his own video game. Because of this, he tries to leave his arcade machine in what people call 'going Turbo' in reference to a character who left his own game. Ralph's big arc is about accepting the importance of his duty and realizing he did not need to be defined by it.

In the sequel, Ralph Breaks The Internet, Vanellope becomes tired of her place in Sugar Rush and wishes for something more. By the end of the film, she finds a new home with the game, Slaughter Race, while keeping in contact with Ralph.

Numerous fans of the original took issue with this and considered Vanellope's actions as 'going Turbo'. Sure, her actions were not as malicious as the villain from the first picture, but the very thing she was doing was something that Ralph was chastised for. Wreck-It-Ralph told audiences to be content with our place in the world as long as they're having a positive impact, yet the sequel says it's okay to leave your duty for the sake of your own happiness.

While that message is fine, it clashes with the previous film's message.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.