10 Sequels That Were Cancelled Due To Box Office Flops

6. I Am Number Four 2

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"John Smith is an alien from the planet Lorien."

That right there is pretty much the reason why I Am Number Four floundered at the box office, pulling in - to the studio's disappointment - $150 million on a budget of $50 million. Based on a somewhat better novel of the same name, the idea didn't translate to the cinematic medium and audiences were left with was a sub-par flick filled with naff performances and a plot that made zero sense.

For some reason, the studio were so convinced that I Am Number Four was destined for box office glory that it put plans for a sequel film into development long before the first film was even out. Think about that for a second: in the minds of the head honchos over at Disney, there was a point where they considered Alex Pettyfer and Timothy Olyphant to be a team worthy of box office grandeur.

2011 was a crazy time.

Anyhow, the sequel was very quickly cancelled when the film failed to make the franchise-starting gross of around $500 million. Sad news for the eight people who were desperate to find out what happened to John Smith, that alien from the planet Lorien, and the twenty or so plot threads this movie left dangling.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.