10 Seriously Awkward Movie Star Interviews

3. Crispin Glover On Letterman

http://youtu.be/jCaxKq5KFQM Letterman has a great knack for inviting the infamous of Hollywood on his show, causing such great television by seemingly baiting and winding up the Hollywood elite with his dry wit and quip like humour. There was no such invitation in 1987 when Crispin Glover appeared on the show to promote his new film. What you see in the video above is pure Crispin. It was later revealed by Glover that he was acting in character for an up and coming feature of his called 'Rubin and Ed', in which he plays an odd recluse, but he failed to tell Letterman of the set up leading to some very awkward viewing indeed. Acting in character was not new to Letterman, something replicated infamously by Joaquin Phoenix during his time shooting 'I'm Not There' and previously by Andy Kaufman for God only knows what reason.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...