10 Seriously Ridiculous Instances Of Movie Product Placement

9. World War Z - Pepsi

Pepsi World War Z is one of the most disappointing films to come out last year considering the promising source material, the way in which it's multi layered narrative was abandoned in favour of Brad Pitt and his annoyingly pointless wife, the development hell shrouding the film from day one and, of course, the lack of any real gore in a zombie film - The biggest cardinal sin of all. You want awkward though, right? Well don't worry, Pepsi Cola have provided us with such by the shed load with this one. Imagine the scenario: Inexplicably, you have just injected yourself with a potentially fatal disease/virus of some kind (use some bloody labels next time will ya' nerds?) and are now on the run from a few shi**y zombies. You might possibly be feeling a bit tired from the freshly injected AIDS virus that has started to attack your immune system or maybe you just have general fatigue from being only one of two people to survive a plane crash that was caused by YOU throwing a grenade in a fuselage €“ you murdering monster. Why not stop in the middle of a canteen, smash a Pepsi machine to distract the brainless bastards and ensure you drink one before leaving to guarantee maximum refreshment whilst all the while providing yourself with that necessary energy boost needed to outrun the undead. All that was missing was an 'ahhh' and a cheeky wink to the camera. Then again, selling out isn't new to William Bradley Pitt is it? All together now; 'Inevitable'.

Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...