7. Independence Day - Apple
Back in a time when Apple wasn't an overpriced behemouth selling machine, they had to slog along with everyone else in the Capitalist world by subliminally selling their products via Blockbuster films. Things are looking quite grim towards the end of 'Independence Day'. All hope is kind of lost as the fate still lies on the shoulders of Will Smith and uber Nerdlinger Jeff Goldblum. Enter the Macintosh Powerbook ID4, the only computer in the world that, according to the crossover advertisement, holds 'The Power to Save the World'. This little baby is capable of wiping out the seemingly unstoppable alien life force by uploading a virus onto their mainframe (I know, right? Ridiculous). It is one thing to sell a product in a film but to use it as an actual plot device that ends the film and saves the entire human race? Unforgivably stupid. Check out the cringe inducing, out of date cross selling advert below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1mdWkW5NPY YEAH! 'MURICA! CUMPOOTERS! WOOOO! In the upcoming sequel, perhaps the aliens have taken the technology that beat them and turned it back on us; brainwashing millions upon millions of us in to mindlessly purchasing simplistic touch screen devices at stupidly high prices that in turn dominate every waking moment of our lives...Oh right, yeah.