10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Star Wars 7

3. The Bad Guys Are Jedi Hunters

Well if you're not convinced by any of those other options for potential villains in Star Wars 7, perhaps this is the theory for you. Whilst it's possible JJ Abrams might simply plump for a totally new and original antagonist for The Force Awakens, that is a less fun think to speculate on. Much easier to spread rumours about existing bad guys from the Expanded Universe and stuff that could be re-incorporated. Where The Inquisitors €“ known informally as Jedi Hunters €“ have the edge above any other of the rumoured villains is they've already been confirmed as part of the new Star Wars canon. They're the main bad guys in the TV show Rebels, a group founded by Darth Vader whose intentions are pretty clear, and who could easily slot into Episode VII. If Luke's evil? They could be lead by him, picking up where his dad left off! If he's good? The reason he's gone into hiding, Ben Kenobi-style, is so they won't kill him! Or else they're the ones who locked him up in prison. Regardless, Star Wars Rebels introducing a group as terrifying as The Inquisitors would be a waste if they did nothing else with them.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/