10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Suicide Squad

5. Enchantress Is The Squad's Main Target (And Is Therefore The Film's "Villain")

There has been little clarification as to who, exactly, the main villain is supposed to be in Suicide Squad. While some folk firmly believe that the Joker will turn out to be the elusive target that the Squad are tasked with tracking down, there are others who think that it's another character entirely: that's to say, the Enchantress (played by Cara Delevingne). Yep: one theory positions the strange and mysterious Enchantress as the central bad guy. Said theory denotes that the character is on mission to resurrect her dead brother, which catches the attention of Suicide Squad brainchild Amanda Waller. The plot itself is about how Enchantress (much like Marvel's Scarlet Witch) is capable of world-ending destruction, and thus must be kept in line by the titular Squad. What evidence is there for this theory, then, crazy as it seems? Well, for starters, there are very few pictures of the character in the company of the other squad members, which perhaps hints at the fact that - during the course of the movie - she'll go up against them.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.