10 Shocking (But Believable) Theories About Suicide Squad

3. Amanda Waller & Lex Luthor Will Be In Cahoots

Given that both Amanda Waller and Lex Luthor are two of the most dangerous characters in the existing DC canon, their having something akin to a partnership on film is a rather terrifying prospect - and one that is also ripe with great dramatic potential. There are a bunch of theories currently circulating the web which peg these two as allies during the events of Suicide Squad. In which capacity, exactly, well... who knows? Certainly the most interesting theory purports that Luthor will run for President of the United States after the death of the previous president in Batman V Superman - or perhaps it might occur the other way around, with Waller running for the role (another wild theory that could very well turn out to hold some truth). There's also a theory (based on a supposed leak) that Waller is forced to creating the Squad in order to stop Luthor from "trafficking heroes." Whilst these might be considered to be a little too far out or outlandish for what is only the second movie in the DC cinematic universe, it seems safe to assume that - at some point in the near future - these unsavoury characters will both find themselves brought together.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.