10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Classic Movies

1. Rocky III - Thunderlips Actually Had Some Platform Assistance

Rocky 3

Hulk Hogan isn't what you'd class as a diminutive human being by any stretch of the imagination. Standing at a towering 6ft 7" tall, the Hulkster also isn't exactly used to meeting people's eye-line on a day-to-day basis.

This freakish size was evident again during the making of the legendary Rocky III when the WWE icon was put up against Sylvester Stallone's titular boxer in a crossover contest of sorts. And while it was widely accepted that Hogan's Thunderlips would realistically find himself staring down at the Italian Stallion's head, the truth isn't actually as straight forward as it may seem.

As revealed by Sly himself on Instagram recently, Hogan was required to stand on a sizeable platform in order to achieve the visual of him putting the Hollywood superstar in his shadow. In truth, Hogan still has a solid 24cm on Stallone when it comes to their overall body length, but the actor/director clearly felt that the platform would help sell his gigantic size that little bit more in the end.

It's hard to argue with the results, but it still makes for a kayfabe killing reveal, it must be said.

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