You have to feel sorry for famous people. No, honestly, bear with me. Sure, there are the awards and accolades, the enormous pay checks and universal adoration and acclaim, but there also comes all that pressure. Celebrities are constantly in the public eye, which means it's crucial that they must always look their best. Those paparazzi could be lurking anywhere, desperate to get that shot of Brad Pitt's un-plucked nose hair. Of course, the ravages of time comes knocking for everyone, but to avoid its effects the celebs cash in their pay checks and turn to cosmetic surgery to capture eternal youth, in the hope of holding back the distressing process of growing old, and keeping at bay the ageing wrinkles, the saggy skin, and a thinning hairline. I assume for any male that losing your hair is enormously sad and traumatic. As much as I curse my thick and unmanageable mop, I would be devastated if it ever left my head. So for a big movie star like John Travolta, who in his heyday had a healthy barnet to his name, to suddenly find that his hair has gone solo and left him without so much as a note must come as quite the shock. Some embrace this new-found baldness and manage to really pull it off (these days I struggle to remember Bruce Willis
with hair), whilst others simply refuse to accept their fate, and resort to other measures. Many male celebrities undergo hair-growth treatment, or take to wearing wigs and hairpieces to try and disguise the fact their hair is ebbing away. But none have caused quite the stir that John Travolta has, and the reason for this is because his attempts are usually sh*t. The guy has had some memorable hairstyles over the years in film and in real life - for better or for worse. Here we take a look at some of Travolta's most shocking hair moments. Join us, as we witness this chameleon in the times where he had plenty of hair to French plait (if he so wished), to the dark days where he's resorted to keeping a canister of spray-paint close to hand...