10 Shocking Moments From Family Films

3. Every Death - Jaws

Much like Raiders of the Lost Ark, it's astounding to believe that this film was ever rated PG upon release - we suspect blockbuster bribery - given the absolutely horrifying effect it can have upon unsuspecting kids. Granted, a film about a killer shark should probably have some gruesome deaths, but in true Spielberg fashion, it is also a film very much about family, hence it being tailored towards those sorts of audiences, who might identify with this theme. Still, it begins with the savage death of young Alex Kintner, various characters are brutally eaten without a cut-away, and in what is without question the most shocking moment, a rower has his leg munched off by the titular villain. As if the mere idea wasn't enough, Spielberg then gives us a nice, graphic shot of his severed leg floating down to the surface. It's hard to imagine what Spielberg was thinking by filming these shots, but then, this was the very first blockbuster, and the rules of decency didn't really apply yet; he was making them up as he went along.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.