10 Shocking Movie Twists That Nearly Happened

9. Tommy Lee Jones Is The Big Bad - The Fugitive (1993)

The Fugitive Samuel Gerard Tommy Lee Jones Real Villain
Warner Bros. Pictures

The 1990s saw Harrison Ford take up residence as an action-thriller man, and the peak of all his accomplishments in this period is The Fugitive. In the film, surgeon Dr. Richard Kimble (Ford) is forced to go on the run after being framed for the murder of his wife, pursued by Tommy Lee Jones' US Marshal Sam Gerard.

Ultimately, Gerard saves Kimble and Kimble saves Gerard, and both uncover a pharmaceutical conspiracy that caused one of Kimble's colleagues to try and murder him.

The layers of the film unfold cleverly and everything weaves together into a satisfying conclusion. But this was certainly not always the case. Originally, as per /Film, Gerard was the villain of the piece, going after Kimble for convoluted "reasons" surrounding a failed surgery on the marshal's wife - reasons that were, thankfully, slapped right out of the film in successive rewrites.

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