10 Signs Warner Bros. Have No Clue About Batman V Superman

1. Batman's Only In It In The First Place To Renew Faith

The height of Warner Bros. smarts with Batman V Superman came at the movie's conception. It's such a great base idea - who doesn't want to see the pair fight? Although even that is built off an aimless sense to try and ignite excitement into something devoid of it. Man Of Steel was a let down, pure and simple. Sure, some people liked the way that it presented a new take on Superman, but even its staunchest defender would have to concede that in the eyes of Warner Bros. it under-performed; the reaction to the movie itself was polarised and the box office takings were well below what a franchise-starter needs. With another reboot off the cards (this was the third time D.C. had failed to kick-start a cinematic universe in as many years after Nolan forced The Dark Knight Trilogy to a close and Green Lantern suffocated itself), the only option was to turn into the skid. Hence Batman thrown in like he's a magic fix-all. While that's cool in all the obvious ways, it's still a desperate attempt to drum up hype for a sequel to a disappointing movie. And its ignoble motivation is betrayed by that, even with the delayed release date, we're going to be getting a new Batman less than four years after the last. In no situation is that required, particularly with D-list comic book characters now viable blockbuster stars - it only happened with Spider-Man because it was the only way for Sony to retain the character's rights. Whether Batman V Superman ends up being another major mis-step from D.C. or the start of Marvel-rivalling series won't be known until 25th March 2016, although from what's been seen so far things don't look good. What are you expecting from Batman V Superman? Do any of these points really worry you? Let us know in the comments below.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.