10 Silly Villains That Ruin Serious Horror Movies

1. Hawkin's Gang - Last House On Dead End Street

Deadly Blessing
Barrel Entertainment

Last House On Dead End Street is a forgotten little nasty of a horror film that was originally made in 1973 by amateur filmmaker Roger Watkins, who also plays the film’s lead role. The plot revolves around a convict who is released from prison and, in a bid to earn some money, he rounds up a group of violent people and they set out to make a snuff film. It’s a very cheap and nasty movie made by a demented drug-addled filmmaker.

The more horrifying scenes of the movie play out in a very realistic manner, but Watkins decided to throw in a lot of extravagant set-pieces to make the film more theatric, possibly because of the drugs he was taking at the time. He wears a giant greek mask, the female characters wear transparent 'doll' masks, and the death scenes play out like ‘ritualistic’ murders with no reason as to why. The result is a group of villains whose eccentricity ruins the films scary atmosphere. It’s easy to see what Watkins was going for in theory, but the ridiculousness of it all makes the film very silly in practice.

Nonetheless this rampant ridiculousness has helped the film stand out. It is now considered a cult classic by splatter horror fans who laugh at its craziness. As a result, the movie was re-distributed on DVD in 2002, and these copies of the movie are still quite pricey today.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.